Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord chiropractor.
Local chiropractor holds essential oils workshop. Sinclaire Sparkman • Updated Today at 5:30 PM. ssparkman@lebanondemocrat.com. Soothing smells filled the air at Lebanon's Back in Motion Chiropractic on Monday evening as a room full of people ...
Datum: 09-02-2017 01:13 | Bron: Lebanon DemocratIf you spend a lot of nights tossing and turning instead of sleeping comfortably, and wake up feeling tired with aches and pains, the problem is probably your pillow, according to Jason Loth, a Gilbert sports chiropractor and inventor of the SpineAlign ...
Datum: 08-02-2017 17:42 | Bron: East Valley TribuneC'est une discipline médicale peu connue en France, qui a pourtant ses adeptes outre Manche mais aussi aux États-Unis : la chiropractie, médecine manuelle se concentrant sur le système nerveux et les articulations. Depuis peu, une Yvelinoise a ouvert ...
Datum: 08-02-2017 07:03 | Bron: 78actuA mistake by the court has spared a chiropractor convicted of sexual abuse from more jail time. Adam Lopez was sentenced in December to a minimum of 80 days in jail for abusing four patients. But the Astoria man only spent a few days in jail before ...
Datum: 08-02-2017 01:41 | Bron: Daily AstorianThe International Association of HealthCare Professionals is pleased to welcome Steven Goldschmidt, DC, CCFC, Chiropractor to their prestigious organization with his upcoming publication in the Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare. Dr. Steven Goldschmidt is ...
Datum: 07-02-2017 18:13 | Bron: PR NewsChannel (press release)THV11's Raven Richard spoke with an Arkansas chiropractor who may have a solution. It's called a Cynosure TriActive laser, and its main purpose is to reduce cellulite. But Dr. William Carbary at Little Rock Chiropractic has found that it can also help ...
Datum: 07-02-2017 16:37 | Bron: THV11.comIf you spend a lot of nights tossing and turning instead of sleeping comfortably, and wake up feeling tired with aches and pains, the problem is probably your ...
Datum: 07-02-2017 14:04 | Bron: East Valley TribuneWassenaar - Namens de Nederlandse PatiëntenVereniging voor Acupunctuur (NPVA) reikte acteur Bas Muijs vrijdag de eervolle Pruimenbloesemprijs uit.
Datum: 07-02-2017 12:25 | Bron: WassenaardersMet deze beleidswijziging behaalde het trio ten bate van meer dan een miljoen patiënten per jaar een dubbele overwinning: én de behandelingen, zoals acupunctuur en chiropractie zijn vrijgesteld van BTW, én er is nu een beleid om de kwaliteit van de ...
Datum: 07-02-2017 07:33 | Bron: WassenaardersThe Providence Journal reports the lawsuit filed by Allstate Insurance Company in federal court claims that Arianna Iannuccilli and two chiropractors at her office are “unlawfully” obtaining patients who did not need medical treatment through their ...
Datum: 06-02-2017 18:59 | Bron: WPRI 12 Eyewitness NewsA Gravois Mills man “enjoined from” chiropractic practice by a Morgan County Circuit Court order was found to be in contempt of court after failing to appear and show cause that he had not disobeyed a court order to cease business in Laurie. Judgement ...
Datum: 06-02-2017 15:13 | Bron: Lakenewsonline.comLike many Cohasset families, chiropractor John McCarthy will be spending one April week somewhere a bit warmer. Unlike most, McCarthy isn't traveling for fun, but for business, bringing the benefits of specific chiropractic with him to Medellin in the ...
Datum: 06-02-2017 03:46 | Bron: Wicked Local CohassetIn the Kevin Can Wait episode 'The Back Out', while Kyle (Gary Valentine) tries to convince Chale (Ryan Cartwright) to choose him as his best man, Kevin (Kevin James) and Donna (Erinn Hayes) are close to winning a kid-free vacation via their ...
Datum: 05-02-2017 19:54 | Bron: 2paragraphs.comKILLEEN, Texas, Feb. 05, 2017-- After years of carrying a 50- pound rucksack, landing harsh jumps out of airplanes, and sleeping in less than ideal conditions ...
Datum: 05-02-2017 16:13 | Bron: Yahoo FinanceLEXINGTON, Ky., Feb. 05, 2017 -- Chiropractor in Lexington Cornerstone Chiropractic Wellness would like to make area residents aware of their chiropractic health and wellness services. Everyone from Lexington and the surrounding communities is invited ...
Datum: 05-02-2017 16:12 | Bron: EconoTimesKILLEEN, Texas, Feb. 05, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After years of carrying a 50-pound rucksack, landing harsh jumps out of airplanes, and sleeping in less than ideal conditions with no back support, many veterans find themselves suffering from chronic ...
Datum: 05-02-2017 16:00 | Bron: GlobeNewswire (press release)LEXINGTON, Ky., Feb. 05, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chiropractor in Lexington Cornerstone Chiropractic Wellness would like to make area residents aware ...
Datum: 05-02-2017 16:00 | Bron: GlobeNewswire (press release)Met deze beleidswijziging behaalde het trio ten bate van meer dan een miljoen patiënten per jaar een dubbele overwinning: én de behandelingen, zoals acupunctuur en chiropractie zijn vrijgesteld van BTW, én er is nu een beleid om de kwaliteit van de ...
Datum: 05-02-2017 07:35 | Bron: Midvliet FMA chiropractor sued over a patient's death due to allegedly negligent chiropractic care removed the medical negligence and wrongful death suit to West Virginia ...
Datum: 04-02-2017 05:13 | Bron: Law360 (subscription)Dr. Andrew Tislau of the local Creekside Chiropractic and Rehabilitation in Sheboygan says he recently earned Titleist Performance Institute certification. The move is aimed at helping him identify and treat physical limitations connected to people's ...
Datum: 04-02-2017 04:34 | Bron: The Sheboygan PressNewswise — Arlington, Va. -- Winter recreational activities can pose painful problems for the outdoor enthusiast who is not in the best condition. Preparing your body before participating in winter sports such as snowboarding, skiing or ice-skating ...
Datum: 03-02-2017 22:49 | Bron: Newswise (press release)BORCULO – Een gevestigde naam, dezelfde waarden, een nieuw team. Dit is slogan waarmee Paardenkliniek Beekvliet aan de Barchemseweg 30 in Borculo ...
Datum: 03-02-2017 09:00 | Bron: Nieuws uit BerkellandDELAWARE, Ohio (WSYX/WTTE) — A Columbus area chiropractor was indicted on 82 counts of child pornograhy charges Wednesday. According to Delaware County Prosecuting Attorney Carol O' Brien, 56-year-old Dr. David T. Ryan of Lewis Center was ...
Datum: 02-02-2017 20:14 | Bron: Fox 28Dr. David T. Ryan was indicted by a Delaware County Grand Jury.
Datum: 02-02-2017 14:53 | Bron: NBC4i.comCraig Landry, a chiropractor at Pets in Motion Animal Chiropractic, discovered that Teddy's skull and the first vertebra in his spine weren't properly aligned. And Landry, who also works on humans, got cracking. "After his first two adjustments, his ...
Datum: 02-02-2017 00:36 | Bron: The Dodo