Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord chiropractor.
ROTTERDAM - Net zoals lasers scalpels hebben vervangen in een aantal operaties, heeft geavanceerde technologie chiropractors geholpen bij het leveren van chiropractie correctie. Hiermee kunnen klachten zoals hoofdpijn, nek- en lage rugklachten, ...
Datum: 12-10-2015 00:05 | Bron: Dichtbij.nlROTTERDAM - Net zoals lasers scalpels hebben vervangen in een aantal operaties, heeft geavanceerde technologie chiropractors geholpen bij het leveren van chiropractie correctie. Hiermee kunnen klachten zoals hoofdpijn, nek- en lage rugklachten, ...
Datum: 12-10-2015 00:05 | Bron: Dichtbij.nlNet zoals lasers scalpels hebben vervangen in een aantal operaties, heeft geavanceerde technologie chiropractors geholpen bij het leveren van chiropractie correctie. Hiermee kunnen klachten zoals hoofdpijn, nek- en lage rugklachten, schouder- en ...
Datum: 12-10-2015 00:05 | Bron: Dichtbij.nlDr. Sam describes himself as an “old school” chiropractor and his practice as a “maintenance chiropractic office.” Walk-ins are welcome. X-rays are not required and he doesn't take any insurance. Many of his clients pay for monthly maintenance plans, ...
Datum: 10-10-2015 17:21 | Bron: Champion NewspapersEr wordt uitgelegd wat chiropractie precies is en welke klachten ermee behandeld worden. De chiropractor behandelt mensen met uiteenlopende klachten: van hoofdpijn, rug-, nek en schouderklachten, tot zwangerschapsischias, bekken- en heupklachten, ...
Datum: 10-10-2015 15:11 | Bron: coevordenhuisaanhuis.nlHet therapie-aanbod varieert van gewrichts- en wervelkolombehandeling (chiropractie) tot bioresonantie, bloedzuigers, magnetische en lasertherapie, tot aan injectie-acupunctuur en complexe wijzes als homeopathie. Zijn ervaring geven Oppel en zijn ...
Datum: 09-10-2015 11:50 | Bron: coevordenhuisaanhuis.nlEmlichheim - De laatste jaren heeft natuurgeneeskunde naast de bestaande klassieke medische behandeling een toenemende belangrijke rol ingenomen.
Datum: 09-10-2015 09:00 | Bron: coevordenhuisaanhuis.nlSAN JOSE (CBS SF) — A chiropractor was convicted this week of sexual battery on a patient at his Campbell clinic more than two years ago, a deputy district attorney said Thursday. Dr. Manfred Alkhas, of San Jose, was convicted Monday of sexual battery ...
Datum: 09-10-2015 03:53 | Bron: CBS LocalCAMPBELL -- A Campbell chiropractor faces up to four years in prison after he was convicted Monday for sexual battery, police said. Starting in July 2013, Campbell police began investigating Manfred Alkhas, who owns Good Life Chiropractic, located at ...
Datum: 09-10-2015 01:19 | Bron: San Jose Mercury NewsCAMPBELL (KRON) — A Campbell chiropractor accused of sexually assaulting a 21-year-old female patient was convicted this week, but authorities are still concerned there may be more victims, including children. Dr. Manfred Alkhas, the owner of Good ...
Datum: 08-10-2015 23:16 | Bron: KRON4.comA chiropractor in Ottawa is hoping to strike a blow against the after-effects of concussions, using a treatment that helped get the NHL's biggest superstar back in the game. Dr. Joseph Lawrence says he's adopted a cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment ...
Datum: 08-10-2015 15:26 | Bron: CTV NewsThe crash totaled his vehicle and sent him to a chiropractor, who just happened to have some space for rent. The chiropractor was Larry Jansen, who had treated Asbury when he was a boy and inspired him to take up the profession in the first place.
Datum: 08-10-2015 00:55 | Bron: Wichita EagleChiropractor brings groundbreaking Sidney Crosby concussion treatment to Ottawa. While the traditional cure for a concussion is rest, this method involves new diagnostic equipment to track eye movements and balance. Share on Facebook ...
Datum: 07-10-2015 23:23 | Bron: MetroNews CanadaA Campbell chiropractor charged with assaulting a patient in 2013 has been convicted of sexual battery, district attorney officials said. Manfred Alkhas, 47, of San Jose, was convicted Monday on one count of sexual battery by fraudulent representation ...
Datum: 07-10-2015 07:03 | Bron: SFGateHet Wheemhuus aan de Tonckensstraat in Zuidwolde krijgt geen culturele bestemming, maar wordt een gezondheidscentrum. Gemeente De Wolden heeft het ...
Datum: 06-10-2015 09:00 | Bron: RTV DrentheHeather Wright has been helping the muscskeletal system and extremities function correctly for more than a decade, but it is the patients themselves and the challenge of the profession that draws her to a job that puts a smile across her face on a ...
Datum: 06-10-2015 02:21 | Bron: Weatherford DemocratA SPORTS chiropractor is swapping his Cirencester clinic for the All Blacks dressing room as he keeps the team in top condition for the Rugby World Cup. Robert Beaven, 26-year-old owner of Dyer St Chiropractic Clinic, is part of a team of health ...
Datum: 05-10-2015 20:23 | Bron: Wilts and Gloucestershire StandardAfter injuring my tailbone in an ill-advised spin class, I made my first appointment with a chiropractor. I did so with some trepidation: I'd grown up hearing my father, a surgeon, cast aspersions on all sorts of alternative healers, from ...
Datum: 05-10-2015 17:01 | Bron: New York Times (blog)TORONTO, Oct. 4, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Brian Dower of Toronto, Ontario, is excited to announce the addition of the Sigma computer-assisted diagnostic and treatment system. "This new technology advances the field of chiropractic care by leaps ...
Datum: 04-10-2015 16:06 | Bron: GlobeNewswire (press release)Chiropractor Mark Giust has carefully cultivated his practice in the same location on Brookway Boulevard for 20 years now. Giust has enjoyed adjusting patients to eliminate pain and said if he only had a nickel for every time someone said “I wish I'd ...
Datum: 02-10-2015 17:21 | Bron: DailyleaderDay in the life of a Chiropractor. Feel like you're not getting the whole story? You probably aren't. The stories at tiogapublishing.com are previews. For the whole story, subscribe to the print edition or E-Edition of this paper today through the ...
Datum: 02-10-2015 14:11 | Bron: The Wellsboro GazetteTRENTON — Gardy Vastey, an Irvington-based chiropractor, has been indicted on nine counts of insurance-related fraud by a state grand jury in Trenton. The indictment states that Vastey intentionally misdiagnosed his patients and prescribed unnecessary ...
Datum: 01-10-2015 20:59 | Bron: NJ.comThe doctor was appointed the domestic chiropractor to the Italian Nation Cycling Team during the Whaling City Pro Am races from 1981 to 1987. He was appointed team chiropractor to the Bolivian National football team during the America's Cup in 1994.
Datum: 01-10-2015 20:21 | Bron: SouthCoastToday.comRanch horses work hard alongside their human counterparts, and just like people they too can suffer the aches and pains of long hours in the field, particularly back problems. To help ease the pain, equine specialist Krissy Matterson of Blackhorse ...
Datum: 30-09-2015 22:06 | Bron: Lake County ExaminerVancouver chiropractor specializes in pets. A Vancouver chiropractor is building a business that treats not only people, but also our four-legged friends. Loading… Post to Facebook. Vancouver chiropractor specializes in pets A Vancouver chiropractor ...
Datum: 30-09-2015 20:13 | Bron: kgw.com